Star Wars: Rogue Squadron

A good introduction and overview of the game and also comparison of the different versions I found on YouTube

Star Wars Arcade was a classic arcade experience also in the 1001 Video Games You Must Play Before You Die list. Star Wars: Rogue Squadron is an attempt to recreate it for the consoles of the time. Even though the N64 has a high-resolution option with the expansion RAM pack, it’s still not as good as the PC port. There has been accounts of having trouble getting the PC port working on modern PCs. If it works for you, it’s worth it as it has even better graphics and more responsive controls with a modern gamepad. For these reasons, I recommend the PC port, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3D as the preferred way to play the game. If you want a more authentic, pure experience you can play the original, but it’s much easier to play the PC port that you get from a digital store like Steam than set up an N64 with expansion pack on a modern TV and get an original cartridge.

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